jordanramsy | Recipes

Jordan Halley



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It's Recipe Time

Welcome! I hope you find inspiration here, exciting new foods to try, and learn something new about me. Enjoy <3

Latest Recipes

117 recipes

Hasselback Potatoes

Lemon & Herb Baked Chicken Thighs

25 min

Jalapeno Chicken

Caramelized Onion Pasta

Garlic Naan

15 min

Garlic Fried Rice (Sinangag)

Beijing Beef

Mississippi Pot Roast

Crispy Chicken Caesar Salad Sandwich

Strawberry Crunch Topping

Strawberry Crunch Churro Cheesecake

Parmesan Crusted Lamb Chops

Hi! Here's a few quick facts about me...Queen Ramsy

Hey all, welcome :) It's your girl Jordan <3 Let's do a quick Q&A: Q: Is your name really "Ramsy"? A: Unfortunately, no! My full name is Jordan Halley Q: How old are you? A: I am 20 years old and my Birthday is 02/26/03! Q: Where are you based?A: I'm originally from Wilmington, DE but currently live in Baltimore County, Maryland, and have since around 2009!

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